
 Welcome to jdenparis.com.  I'm jd, and I just graduated from college.  For one year before med school, I'll be working and living in Paris, and traveling the world with my job.  Below are my stories, photos, and videos.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


You may have noticed a new element here at jdenparis. The Twitter gadget pulls 140-character messages that I am able to post via text message from my cellphone, anywhere in the world! Here's what Twitter is all about:

I have been pretty bogged with work, travel, and med apps, so jdenparis has noticeably taken a seat on the back burner. Twitter allows me to keep you updated in between blog posts!

You can even get the updates via text message, delivered right to your phone (here's how)! For you iPhoners with 200 txt limits, I'll try to keep the twits to 3 or 4 a week.

You can also get them by RSS, and I think they may start updating my Facebook status too. The possibilities are endless! I also encourage you all to Twit, so I can hear about your lives 140 characters at a time :)

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